The Road to Becoming a Health Coach
My health + wellness journey really began in 2012 when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. That journey, coupled with losing my job, is what catapulted me into reconnecting to my purpose and passion.
What is that, you ask? That feeling of unequalled bliss and contentment. You know it. You’ve felt it. That moment when you know everything is in its perfect place and time and you’re content just being you. You feel comfortable in your own skin. You know your purpose in life. You’ve found your calling.
I found it slowly. Sometimes painfully. But when I found it, I knew there was no turning back.
After losing my job, I had taken some time off, time just for me. But who was “me”? I almost felt lost. I was on a walk one morning in October of 2014 and it was then I realized, I didn’t know who I was anymore. I had gotten into this fog. This rat race pace of life. I was just going through the motions. Living my life in survival mode. I felt panicked. Anxious. I knew I was a mom, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an “HR” person, but I had no idea who Rachel was anymore. I was exhausted. Bone tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained. I was lost.
I’d seen friends and family with serious illnesses and while I was battling my own with the hypothyroidism, I became scared. I knew I needed to make some changes. I didn’t want to live out my days in a fog and just going through the motions. I wanted to be alive. To feel. To laugh. To love with reckless abandon. I wanted to teach my kids that they could follow their dreams. There was a sense of immediacy. Urgency. Now or never. Do or DIE. Literally. What if this is my only chance to make these changes? What if I don’t make these changes?
I didn’t even know at the time what those changes should be, but I knew how to start. So, I started working with a personal trainer, I figured I’d “lose some weight” and get to feeling better. Ya know, “get in shape”. But, it wasn’t quite like it was in my 20’s, where I could hit the gym for a few weeks and notice changes in my body. More cardio, I thought, so I started running. And, let me tell you, I’m not a runner. In fact, I didn’t even really like it. My trainer said something about my eating habits and I laughed her off. Ha! I don’t need to eat differently, I eat “pretty healthy” I said. Wrong. I started reading books about whole and real foods and realized how much processed crap we were eating.
So there I was, working out, running and finally eating better. I met with a nutritionist. I found a holistic nurse practitioner. I had blood tests run. I drastically changed my diet. I watched documentaries about our food supply and the way our food is “made”.
I was blown away. It was then I realized this was more than just my “new thing”. These changes had to be sustainable, not just a fad, diet or something to “try”. These changes needed to become my new normal.
Slowly, over time, and lots of steps backwards before making that next real leap, they did become my new way of life. My family’s new way of life. It was an awakening. I was able to see clearly for the first time in years. I was able to breathe. I was able to sleep and feel restored. I found me again. I found out what I like and don’t like. I found my voice. I reconnected to my soul. I found my heartsong. Bliss.
Now, how was I going to make this new passion, this new lease on life continue and help others do the same?
I took time to drill down into my past, I wanted to find the next step in this process. I’d spent 14+ years in an HR career that allowed me to learn all facets of HR. What I realized I was passionate about was the benefits piece. Not just benefits, like “I love health insurance” (which I actually kind of do love that messy confusing world), but helping others navigate the tricky world of health care. Helping others. Hmmm. What I really loved about benefits was the opportunity to create wellness programs. Hmmm. Wellness.
I joined the wellness committee at my kids school. I thought that reconnection would help fill the void that I now actually had time to feel. I loved it. I was helping others with wellness and it was showing my kids (and other kids and moms) how to make healthy choices. Hmmm. Helping moms and kids make healthy choices.
I was perusing Facebook one day and saw a post from a friend and former colleague of mine. It was about “health coaching”. I was curious. I sent her a message. We began chatting and she was working for the Health Coach Institute and was loving it. She was enrolled in the courses too. I knew this was it.
After some juggling and tons of networking (over a 6+ month time frame), I enrolled in the Become A Health Coach program. I graduated in 2016 and am absolutely, 100%, know with my entire being, that I’m in the right place. At the right time. And I couldn’t be happier.
If you think this is your time to find your true North, let’s chat! I can help!